Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More "Nonsense" from Fairytale

Spring has sprung here in North Florida. . . I have not updated everyone on my "non-progress" into the world of online sales and marketing, so here goes...

Last update, I was learning all about computer speak for "make me a pretty webstore".....I gave all of that up in favor of sewing more dresses, and have decided to temporarily scrap my independent webstore idea in favor of opening a shop on Etsy, soon to open pending actually adding my dresses to the site.  .  .  I'll link to it as soon as I figure out how....

If any of you haven't already figured it out, I am NOT computer-savvy in the least!

Now for an update on what I am doing.  I have compleded two dozen dresses.  Period.   Ok, I took a 6-week break while my "studio" (aka the boat I live on) was hauled out of the water to get a bottom job (barnacles and old paint scraped off the bottom and new bottom paint applied for those of you like me that up until I had a boat had no idea what that was).  Now, after a much longer than expected period of near homelessness---don't worry, that's only a joke and I had amazing family members that took me in---I am home again, and back to work!

Only its now nearly summer and hot and all I want to do is swim. . . so work is a bit harder to focus on than it was when it was like fourty outside...

I have not even photographed all my dresses!  Here are three from a photo shoot with my nieces last month

The rest will have to be photographed using the half-body form I bought on e-bay yesterday......the girls just refuse to let me take any more pictures of them!!  (sigh)

Hopefully my new mannequin will be here by Friday and I can take pictures this weekend! (yay)
For now, I will content myself with trimming thread ends, steaming, and pressing the dresses to get ready for their upcoming photo shoot.....wish me luck!!

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Fairytale Nonsense
Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.

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